Monday, January 26, 2009

First Post of 2009

Wow. It's been a while since I've posted on here... Hmm... It's the year of 2009! (Graduation is right around the corner for me! Woo!) There's a lot of new things going on for me. Surprisingly, none of them are New Year's resolutions. I think I won't have time to commit to resolutions if I made any. Let's see... What will I be doing?

1) ILH Diving— Very important. I think it's about half of my life right now. 1 1/2 hours of diving practice Monday-Friday in preparation for my LAST Hawaii State Diving Championships which will be on Valentine's Day. I might do this in college so I have to give it all I got this season.

2) School— As always, school is very important for a student (especially to a soon-to-graduate senior). The reason I put this second on this list is due to the fact that I'm doing very well in school and it is now second nature to me. I must say that this is a major accomplishment for me because I would have to put a ton of effort into school. Whereas now doing/concentrating on school isn't such a hard/'painful' thing for me to do.

3) Variety Show— This is a 'senior' thing at my school. It's a 'play'/stage production that most of the class participates in. (You have to audition. Then the directors assign you to acting, singing, dancing, or a combo of something. At first, I was a singer/dancer a 1980's scene. But they had too many girl dancers, so I was cut. (I didn't really like the dance and wasn't putting much effort into learning it. I didn't feel very 1980's to me.) At first I was sad because I would only have one part. But I realized that I wouldn't have to go as many practices: more time for homework, diving practice, college apps, etc.

4) College Apps— Actually, I'm almost done with this item. The actual applications are in. But the financial aid papers will be my next step towards college. The thing I'm now always wondering about is why applying to college is one the most complicated things possible... But one could say that all the frustration and effort put into the application process makes the acceptance letters have more sentimental value.

5) Continuing "The Red Flower"— Mm, I don't know if I mentioned this before, but I wrote a story during my sophomore year, about the time I started this blog. I will be continuing the story as my Senior Independent English project. By completing this part of the series (—I'm hoping it to be a trilogy—) I will graduate with a full credit extra of my high school English courses.

Mmm... I think that is all I can remember at the moment. Okay, it's late and I have a 7:30 Creative Writing class tomorrow morning. See you next post! =D